With the release of TYPO3 v9, the new PageTitle API of TYPO3 has been introduced. In this blog post I will tell you how to use it and how to extend it.
The release of TYPO3 CMS version 9 LTS is coming soon. Why I'm looking forward to this new version? I will tell you what this version will bring us.
Last Friday I joined the TYPO3 Review Friday with some colleagues. But what is the TYPO3 Review Friday and why is it interesting for you as well.
How to implement Yoast SEO for TYPO3 in your own extension? In this post I will tell you what code you need to get Yoast analyse your content.
What is the TYPO3 SEO initiative? Who are in? What are the goals? In this post I'll give you an answer to those questions. Meet the TYPO3 SEO initiative!
For the 4th year in a row the TYPO3 Education committee organised TYPO3 certiFUNcation. An event to get certified and to have fun with other people out of the TYPO3 community. I was there, and with this post I will share the information I think is important for you as a developer.
Do you have a question? Do you want to work together? Just send me a message and I will get in touch as soon as possible.